Features comprasion

WAH PRO tested on:

  1. Google Chrome (desktop and mobile)
  2. Mozilla Firefox (desktop and mobile)
  3. Microsoft Edge
  4. Internet Explorer 11

Important notice! WAH PRO does not provide support for Internet Explorer lower than IE 11.
(like Microsoft – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsforbusiness/end-of-ie-support )

Modern browsers only.

Select or version to compare plugin's features.

- exists

- not exists

- beta vestion, currently in development

Feature WAH free WAH PRO
Text-to-Speech (TTS)
Visibility settings ( load specific pages without WAH plugin)
Modern sidebar layout
Line height
Letter spacing
Import/export plugin settings
Web Speech API (English only)
Sepia mode
Monochrome mode
Custom link/button option
Background images greyscale
Wide sidebar layout
WPML support
Polylang support
Buttons icons
Modal Windows (popups)
Accessible accordion builder
Unlimited contrast variations
Shortcodes & widgets
Customers support
Page to page settings (save user choice with cookies)
Highlight titles
Reset widgets order
Advanced settings (debug log)
WAH Logo customizer
Mini bar (3 buttons with contrast, font resize and greyscale)
Additional hooks and filters for developers
Font resize
Skip links menu
Highlight links
Custom logo position
Remove animations
Greyscale images
Dark & Light Themes
Remove CSS Animations
Underline all links
Sortable widgets (drag and drop)